How To Reduce The Risk Of Phishing Attacks

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Phishing emails present a significant cybersecurity risk to businesses with a range of steps available to reduce this risk. One key step is implementing an anti spam filter in your organisation’s email server. In addition to reducing exposure to high-risk emails, this also improves organisational efficiency by reducing the need to sort through spam emails.

There is a number of common signs that can be used to identify phishing emails with a number of processes that can be implemented to reduce the associated risks. One of the main steps that can be taken is not clicking on links in emails from unknown senders. Providing cybersecurity training is a key long-term investment in reducing the risks with a key aspect of this training relating to the typical structure of a phishing email.

Read more for some further information on some of the main cybersecurity strategies that can be taken to reduce the risk of phishing attacks.

Anti Spam Filters

An email spam filter is implemented on an organisation’s email server to reduce the risk of spam emails and high-risk emails and organise these into a separate folder. Whilst these emails can be accessed by employees, there is a clear awareness of the potential of phishing scams with this awareness reducing the associated cybersecurity risks.

Spam filters can be tailored to the requirements of individual organisations to provide a bespoke anti spam service. This improves efficiency and reduces risks by ensuring that the right emails are filtered out. With an additional benefit of email filtering services increasing communications efficiency and productivity, a tailored email filtering solution helps to maximise these benefits.

Cybersecurity Training

Ensuring that comprehensive training is providing increased awareness of the key cybersecurity risks is one of the key steps that can be taken by organisations to reduce the risk of phishing attacks. There are a number of processes that can be implemented to ensure the risk is reduced. This could include the step of ensuring that employees notify colleagues when a cybersecurity threat is identified. Since 2021, at MailCleaner we propose Phishing Audits to test employees awareness and behavior by simulating phishings attacks.

Explore Our Range Of Email Filtering Solutions

At MailCleaner we offer a comprehensive range of email filtering services improving efficiency and providing increased security for businesses of all sizes. Explore our product range to find the best option to suit your business’s email filtering needs. To discuss our range of products and services, contact our team by emailing