MailCleaner Anti Spam Enterprise Solution

Product description: MailCleaner anti spam “Enterprise Solution” installed in customers data-centers.
Customer reviews:
Beau-Rivage Palace
by J-M Nerini (IS manager),
April 1, 2010

4,5/ 5stars
Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne
by Bruce Colombet (EHL’s Head of Systems & Networks),
March 21, 2008

5/ 5stars
With 76 different nationalities, our institution was receiving its daily lot of all sorts and flavors of spam. In collaboration with students and staff, we tested a number of different anti-spam products. We chose MailCleaner because its motor was the only one to take into account the wide diversity of languages.
Our professors are particularly delighted because they were the target of a few students who had found it amusing to register their e-mail addresses in spam databases. These pranks are no longer a problem thanks to MailCleaner.
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
by M. Ouwehand (Postmaster EPFL),
March 11, 2009

5/ 5stars
I’m delighted that I didn’t have to sort the routine 40 spam messages from my InBox when arriving this morning, as I always had to do these past months.
I would like to tell you that with your system (MailCleaner) I live normally again and I have found hope to be able to continue using e-mail, because I was very seriously beginning to doubt its use in light of the disconcerting number of spam messages I was receiving.
I don’t know how many software programs are really useful, but this one is clearly a success.
Thank you for installing MailCleaner. It’s exactly what we need; it does its marvellous work with a 100% success rate!
User comments collected by Martin Ouwehand
University of Lausanne
by A. Roy (IS manager),
June 03, 2008

4,5/ 5stars
I would like to tell you that your product is VERY much appreciated at UNIL (University of Lausanne), that it has given a newfound confidence in messaging technologies to a number of people who were becoming hopeless in the face of the terrible evolution of spam!