Are My Important Workplace Emails Safe?


Workplace emails are likely to contain sensitive  details and crucial company-specific information, so if this back-catalogue of info was to fall into the wrong hands, the repercussions could potentially be serious. From security codes, passwords, and financial information, to future company plans and sensitive  personal information, criminals could cause chaos given access to an email archive.

At Mailcleaner, we maintain a team of knowledgeable online security experts who each pride themselves on providing catered information. Read on for our top tips and practical advice on spam tools.

Your Workplace

From schools and universities, to government organisations and multinational finance companies, no matter your employment, you likely use a dedicated email platform to keep in the loop with colleagues, customers, and clients. In some instances, you may even have administrative access to a number of employee accounts, meaning that a large amount of information would be compromised should anyone gain access to your profile. Unfortunately, email security is rarely as linear as keeping passwords safe, and maintaining a close eye on suspicious communications.

Threats On The Web

Of the prominent threats to be found on the internet, trojan viruses, malware, and spyware are all commonplace, and can be found within downloaded files,  messages and emails, or even simply by accessing a website link. Even carefully navigating the internet offers no guarantees, with some going as far as to disguise themselves as legitimate companies and organisations via email, fooling even the eagle-eyed among us.

Human Error Or Unavoidable Issues?

Though you may be tempted to blame the download of harmful files and components on human error, the advanced nature of many scams and cons makes safe browsing of emails almost unavoidable without competent security software. Available either via the cloud or hosted virtually, flexible download of our Mailcleaner software allows diverse access across the board. Based on a group of complex filtering technologies, this complex solution combines multiple technologies to complete a detailed outlook filter package.

Mailcleaner: Our Background

More than 26 years of experience makes us the number one choice when you decide to safeguard your employees or colleagues. Founded in 1995, our original goal was to offer Internet-related services, as well as some telecommunications assistance, though we’ve evolved to become a recognisable name in the world of email security and spam tools. With offices across 3 countries, we have all bases covered.

Regardless of how many individuals your company employs, there’s a security solution relevant to you from Mailcleaner. From anti-spam for enterprises, which offers watertight protection against malware and suspicious emails, to email virus checkers which sync with the Office365 accounts of your entire company, benefit from a leading online security provider today. Any queries for our team? Contact us at your earliest convenience.