Simple answers to common questions.

Access to our “Frequently Asked Question” pages

Management Center

Where can I get my user name and password?

For any given address filtered by MailCleaner, your user name and password are the same as those used for your e-mail account in your standard e-mail software.

Spam and quarantine

What is a quarantine?

A quarantine is an isolated zone outside of your mailbox which retains messages identified as spam.

Filter adjustment

What is a filter adjustment?

A filter adjustment results from a request that you decide to make when you encounter a legitimate mail that is wrongfully quarantined, or a spam message that is wrongfully delivered to your mailbox. In the first case, MailCleaner will relax a rule to be more tolerant towards a specific sender or format. In the second case, MailCleaner becomes more strict.

What happens when I request a filter adjustment?

A copy of the message is sent to the MailCleaner Analysis Center. The message is examined by MailCleaner engineers and the filter may be corrected. The measures taken by the Analysis Center are communicated to you within one working day.

Quarantined messages

A legitimate message has been mistakenly quarantined. What should I do?

Release the message to allow its delivery to your mailbox and request a filter adjustment from within the quarantine.

Why did MailCleaner quarantine a message that I was supposed to receive?

Such a situation may occur if the message was relayed by a mail server that may temporarily have a compromised reputation, caused for example by spammers that use it as a spam relay. Alternatively, a specific, unusual format of the message may have triggered an anti-spam rule. It does not mean that MailCleaner has malfunctioned, but simply that the system acts cautiously when encountering unusual characteristics of an e-mail message that cannot be correctly interpreted by a simple scan of the message contents.

How do I release a message?

Click on the arrow icon located on the same line as the message to release it. This can be done either in the quarantine report or within the Management Center.

I have released a message, but it is still displayed in the quarantine. Is this normal?

A released message is kept in the quarantine in case you need to release it again in the future. It is displayed in italics to indicate that it has been released.

What do I do to stop receiving quarantine reports?

You may change the frequency at which quarantine reports are sent, or disable this option, in the Configuration section of the Management Center. If you choose to disable reporting, you will need to visit your Management Center to consult your quarantine.

Unblocked spam

A spam has not been filtered. What should I do?

Use your e-mail software to request a Filter Adjustment which will reinforce the filter rules.

Why did MailCleaner let a spam reach my mailbox?

Some spam messages manage to slip through the filter because none of the mathematical analyses carried out at the time were able to differentiate it from legitimate e-mail. It is therefore very important that you report this error to the MailCleaner Analysis Center, which will then reinforce the relevant filter rules. In borderline situations, MailCleaner chooses to deliver the message to your mailbox, since it is better to receive spam on an exceptional basis than to miss a potentially important message.

Viruses and dangerous messages

How does MailCleaner handle viruses?

Viruses are eliminated without any notification.

What do you mean by dangerous content?

Dangerous content is the type of content that your e-mail administrator must filter as a preventive measure. Examples include attachments with executable scripts (.exe) or links to suspicious web sites. MailCleaner removes dangerous content and delivers the remainder of the message to your mailbox along with a note explaining how to ask your administrator to send you the complete message.

How do I know that a message included dangerous content?

The subject of such a message includes a keyword—usually “{DANGEROUS CONTENT}”—as well as an attached document explaining how to release it.

How do I obtain this dangerous content from my e-mail administrator?

Follow the instructions in the message attachment. To receive the retained content, you must provide the ID of the message that was blocked. If your administrator believes that the original attachment poses a genuine threat, he or she may refuse to forward it to you.